Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Lavender's Worth To Every Human


Lavender as we all know is a very useful plant especially at home and also has medicinal use for health problems. They can also be used as part of an ingredient when making a recipe or cooking some delicious meal. If you are planning to get a lavender or thinking of planting them in your own garden, then there are things to remember. These lavender plants needs a little more care than any hardier plant, but putting that extra effort is really worth it. Aside from their delicate, light purple flowers, lavender produce a fragrance that can fill your whole yard and home even up to the streets. These benefits aren't limited to the months were the flowers are blooming.

A lavender plant is also a soothing herb which can calm your stomach, mind and skin problems. Bloating and poor digestion can result from an overgrowth of bacteria. As per research of medical experts, It is the polyphenols in lavender that can help you reduce the bad bacteria on your gut. Lavender oil can help in your scalp conditions as well as some inflammation problem in your skin like insect bites. You also may have heard that breathing in the smell of lavender makes you drowsy, research show that the scent lowers heart rate and blood pressure, putting you in a relaxed state. That is why these lavender plants are well recommended because of it's many uses. One can either grow them from seed so that they can adapt to their environment right from the time they germinate or you can buy the ready-grown lavender shrubs and transplant them into your garden to avoid the extra work.

Lavender also fends off pests. For us humans, the scent of lavenders may be pleasant or aromatic but a lot of insects avoid it, making it, an organic natural repellant. For whatever purpose you may have in mind, lavender plants are a great addition to your home and garden as well.

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