Thursday, August 22, 2013

Space-Saver Terrariums

Kids are very playful by nature. It is by playing that there cognitive development, language, social skills and psychosocial are build. That is the reason why they say that play is the most important occupation in our childhood days. During these times, the children are less cautious, they do no have limitations for their movement, and they want a place where they can move freely. They like to run around and play with other kids. They do not care if they have stepped on your plants and flowers on your garden while trying to conceal themselves in the environment because they are playing hide and seek. A lot of accidents can happen during these times even while playing at home. We have to make sure that as parents, we take extra effort not just by reminding our kids of the do's and dont's but as wells as choose the right furniture and decorations at home. 

To make sure that some of my precious miniature plants are safe from my son and as well as from the animals, I bought a 6" hanging bubble terrarium. At first I though that only miniature plants can be put in these bubble terrariums but I was informed that some larger plants will stay small to fit their space. Some studies have shown that many plants grew better in enclosed environment. Plants are great way to cleansed the air inside our home and by putting them into these beautiful terrariums they also become disease free. It is very convenient to have these bubble terrariums and they are great space saver too. These terrariums comes in different size and shape and is a perfect decoration at home. You could put variety of items in there too, like candles, shells, stones and other small keepsakes. 

It is actually a smart way to keep your plants and decorate your home at the same time. For more details about these terrariums you can visit their website for product description, prices, and shipping. Just go to to check those details or if you want to share the information to a long distance family member or a friend there is an email option for you.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Basil Plant Lovers

Organic products are those of which that do not use or involve modern synthetic inputs such as the synthetic pesticides and the chemical fertilizers. They are also not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives. Many other countries of today, especially, the European Union, the United States, Canada and Japan, requires producers to obtain a special certification for those who want to market food as organic within their borders. It was around 1940's when the organic farming first arose, that is in response to the Green Revolution which is the industrialization of Agriculture. Organic food production is a heavily regulated industry which is very distinct in private gardening. One of the most commonly food that is use fresh in cooked recipe is the basil. It is usually added at the last moment or as a garnish to the cooked food.

Basil has a round and sometimes pointed leaves which can be sometimes mistaken as a peppermint but they are both different although they are still related to each other. The highly fragrant leaves of basil has become a main ingredient, overtime, in a food called pesto, it is mix together with pine nuts and Parmesan cheese. There are also dried basil which are mostly used by Chinese for their soup and other foods. The basil seeds on the other hand, when soaked in water can be very gelatinous and are used in Asian drinks and desserts such as faluda, and sherbet. For those who are using basil in most of their foods and drinks, you can npw grow your own basil indoors with the help of Basil-O-Holic Foodie Garden Seed Kit, it is exclusively sold by Emily's plants.

For more details about Emily's plants and their Basil-O-Holic Seed Kit as well as it's corresponding price, you could visit their website. You could also browse through different seed kit products, and their house plants, as well as their gardening containers.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Life Goes On

Love and Life, are the two most precious gift that we ever receive from God and it is up to us, humans, how to take care of that precious gift. I could still remember the first time my husband and I heard that we are having a baby. We are so happy and at the same time we also feel so contented, thinking that it will complete our family and our lives. It is not an easy task to nurture and take care of a baby inside your own body, just by thinking about it, all of the memories from my pregnancy would flash back. At first, I was very hesitant, I can't even believe that there is a life growing inside of me. But eventually as days and months passed by, I got used to it and gave birth to our son after nine months. All of the hardships of carrying him inside of my womb would come to an end. He would now see the beauty of the real world. 

The task of being a parent never ends, I have come to realize how hard must it be for my parents to raise a child like me. I just wished that they were somehow proud of me too. Having my own child to raise right now, it would sometimes give me a fright thinking of the future, but I am thankful that my husband is there to constantly remind me to stop worrying of the future and instead focus on what we could do for our son today to make sure that he would have a bright future. Introducing him to God is the first step to make sure that he will live with respect to others. I remember the day of his Baptism, he fell asleep during the ceremony and woke up at home because of the noises coming from our guests. 


One of his Godmother gave him a mini yellow roses in a "Hi Baby" musical container. He got so curious with the flowers and wanted to eat them but he was more fascinated with the musical container he smiled and clapped his hands while the music is playing. Time really flies, now he is already going to school and also beginning to be more adventurous and curious with a lot of things. I am just praying that my husband and I could guide him properly so that later on when the time comes that he would have to decide for himself, he would be able to choose the right path to take.

- Mariecon Alvarez, Co-writer

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Making Of A Bonsai

Every home has it's own and unique design or piece that they would love to flaunt and that they have a collection of these items. A friend of mine, loves to collect Bonsai plants, these are miniature plants grown in containers or pots which is shape a lot like an umbrella. The purposes of Bonsai are primarily contemplation for the viewer and the pleasant exercise of effort and ingenuity for the grower or the collector of plant. My friend explained to me why she loved to collect these plants, she said that having these plants do not need high maintenance in growing them, unlike any other plants that needs a lot of your attention and only grows in garden beds or pots and planters. A bonsai is created from a specimen of source material and can be created from nearly any perennial woody-stemmed tree or shrub species that produces true branches and can be cultivated to remain small through pot confinement and as well as with crown and root pruning. 

How would one know or recognize a plant that is a perfect candidate for bonsai cultivation? Some bonsai species are very popular because of some characteristics that they posses, such as small leaves or needles, that make them appropriate for the compact visual scope of bonsai. Bonsai is seldom confused with the dwarfing, but these two are totally different. Dwarfing usually refers to the research, discovery, or creation of plant cultivars that are permanent, genetic miniatures of existing species, on the other hand, Bonsai does not require genetically dwarfed trees, but rather it depends on growing small trees from a regular stocks and seeds. Using a different approach or technique for Bonsai cultivation, such as pruning, root reduction, potting, defoliation, and grafting that is to create a mimic of the shape and style of the mature and full-size trees. 

Collecting and cultivating these Bonsai trees are a lot fun especially when they have reached the planned final size, because it can now be planted in a display pot and can be styled or decorate as a zen reflections bonsai that can be complimented with a Japanese suiseki balance stones and a miniature fisherman.It would be perfect gift for any occasion or you could display it at home for relieving stress.