Thursday, January 9, 2014

Growing Your Own Bonsai Plant


It has a long story of beliefs that bonsai are lucky plants because they bring good luck to every household that cares and maintains them. One of the many plants that you could cultivate as bonsai is the Pyracantha or sometimes referred to as Firethorn. It is an Asian evergreen which has an abundance of white blossoms in spring and is loaded with beautiful orange-red berries on spurs along the wood of the previous year's growth in autumn. They resemble and are related to Cotoneaster. Firethorn is favored for their year round foliage, their abundant flowering capabilities and for their numerous fruit in autumn. The name Firethorn is derived from the fiery berry color and very sharp long thorns that carried on branches and these thorns may become branches in the future.

We all know that bonsai is the reproduction of natural tree forms in to a miniature form. This art form has its origin in Japan and China where it has been practiced for centuries. These bonsai are usually grown in pots and are totally dependent on you for their care. Pyracantha bonsai may be grown either indoors or outdoors and they do have specific care instructions if you choose either of the options. Always remember that with proper care, your bonsai will remain healthy, beautiful miniature for many years to come. If you place your bonsai indoors, please remember to put it in a cool, bright location receiving two or more hours of sunlight a day and appreciates being kept outdoors during the spring and summer. 

Firethorn bonsai require careful attention to watering. You must make sure to apply water before the soil appears dry -- never allow the soil to become completely dry. Keeping the soil evenly moist but not soggy. It doesn't really matter "how" you water your tree, but rather that when you are finished the tree has been well watered. Trimming, pinching,repotting and pruning is also necessary for the growth of your bonsai.

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