Kids are very playful by nature. It is by playing that there cognitive development, language, social skills and psychosocial are build. That is the reason why they say that play is the most important occupation in our childhood days. During these times, the children are less cautious, they do no have limitations for their movement, and they want a place where they can move freely. They like to run around and play with other kids. They do not care if they have stepped on your plants and flowers on your garden while trying to conceal themselves in the environment because they are playing hide and seek. A lot of accidents can happen during these times even while playing at home. We have to make sure that as parents, we take extra effort not just by reminding our kids of the do's and dont's but as wells as choose the right furniture and decorations at home.
To make sure that some of my precious miniature plants are safe from my son and as well as from the animals, I bought a 6" hanging bubble terrarium. At first I though that only miniature plants can be put in these bubble terrariums but I was informed that some larger plants will stay small to fit their space. Some studies have shown that many plants grew better in enclosed environment. Plants are great way to cleansed the air inside our home and by putting them into these beautiful terrariums they also become disease free. It is very convenient to have these bubble terrariums and they are great space saver too. These terrariums comes in different size and shape and is a perfect decoration at home. You could put variety of items in there too, like candles, shells, stones and other small keepsakes.
It is actually a smart way to keep your plants and decorate your home at the same time. For more details about these terrariums you can visit their website for product description, prices, and shipping. Just go to to check those details or if you want to share the information to a long distance family member or a friend there is an email option for you.