Love and Life, are the two most precious gift that we ever receive from God and it is up to us, humans, how to take care of that precious gift. I could still remember the first time my husband and I heard that we are having a baby. We are so happy and at the same time we also feel so contented, thinking that it will complete our family and our lives. It is not an easy task to nurture and take care of a baby inside your own body, just by thinking about it, all of the memories from my pregnancy would flash back. At first, I was very hesitant, I can't even believe that there is a life growing inside of me. But eventually as days and months passed by, I got used to it and gave birth to our son after nine months. All of the hardships of carrying him inside of my womb would come to an end. He would now see the beauty of the real world.
The task of being a parent never ends, I have come to realize how hard must it be for my parents to raise a child like me. I just wished that they were somehow proud of me too. Having my own child to raise right now, it would sometimes give me a fright thinking of the future, but I am thankful that my husband is there to constantly remind me to stop worrying of the future and instead focus on what we could do for our son today to make sure that he would have a bright future. Introducing him to God is the first step to make sure that he will live with respect to others. I remember the day of his Baptism, he fell asleep during the ceremony and woke up at home because of the noises coming from our guests.
One of his Godmother gave him a mini yellow roses in a "Hi Baby" musical container. He got so curious with the flowers and wanted to eat them but he was more fascinated with the musical container he smiled and clapped his hands while the music is playing. Time really flies, now he is already going to school and also beginning to be more adventurous and curious with a lot of things. I am just praying that my husband and I could guide him properly so that later on when the time comes that he would have to decide for himself, he would be able to choose the right path to take.
- Mariecon Alvarez, Co-writer
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