Thursday, March 20, 2014

Air Purifying Benefits of Indoor Plants


Having your own houseplant ensures that your home is free from any harmful toxins and chemicals in the air. All indoor plants, may it be flowering or not, are able to purify indoor air to some degree through their normal photosynthesis process. Just about everyone knows that plants are great for producing oxygen and contributing to a zen feeling in any environment. Studies also show that they can clinically reduce stress, fight colds, stop headaches, even removing 90% of chemical in the air in only twenty-four hours. From the many varieties of houseplants, one that is very easy to maintain and take care of, is the peace lily. It is an ideal plant to have indoors, especially if you love flowers. Peace lilies are surprisingly undemanding in care and can tolerate dryness and low light conditions found in many homes and offices.

Peace lilies can also be given as a gift during a housewarming party or even during birthdays, instead of giving a bouquet of flowers that will eventually wither and die after a few days. This type of plant is surely gonna be welcomed and provided with years of easy-care plant display for anyone, no matter what his or her skills with plants is. Peace lilies are sometimes called the closet plant because it needs little light, and in fact, it does best in low light areas of a home. The plant blooms every couple of months when it is healthy, producing white flowers with long stamen, which is also similar to those of the calla lily plant. With proper care, the plant can live for several years, and if the plant grows well, make sure to re-pot every couple of years or even separate them because the more root-bound the plant becomes in it's pot, the more likely it will require greater amounts of water.

Always remember that, even one plant can dramatically change the ambiance and the whole environment of an office or a room at home, on the other hand, groups of plants will surely make a lovely statement. Let us start collecting these houseplants to make sure that the air we are breathing at home is toxin and chemical free.

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