Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Gardening Has A Therapeutic Power To Revitalize Ourselves

"I am 70 years old. I have reached the point in life at which I choose -- or, to use New Year's terminology, resolve -- to do only those things that make sense to me. The list of such activities has become much shorter than it was even 10 years ago. It features time spent with family and friends, speaking selectively to groups that may profit from my encouragement, reading worthwhile books, and pursuing a few carefully-chosen projects that advance the cause of effective, affordable medical care for all Americans.
But perhaps most importantly, I garden."

- Dr. Andrew Weil
Founder and director, The Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine

Most of our old folks have enough time to do all the gardening stuffs than us who are currently busy with work and with our family. They find gardening as a therapy to heighten up your physical strength, body, mind and soul. As a garden blogger online I find terrariums and container gardening very friendly to our old folks, for these do not require heavy duty workloads. I recently wrote an article about miniature gardening from another blog and it seems a good project for our grand pas and mas. 

Actually gardening of these kinds appeal to every gardeners of all ages. But it is obvious that most elderly ones enjoy these as a hobby. Gardeners within the age range are recommended to use inferior garden tools. Pruning may be the advance task they may encounter while they are growing their plants. There are hand tools available in local stores and online to assist our elderly people with basic gardening. There are other basic tools they need to make their gardening experience easier and more fun. 

However, young moms are also love the idea of gardening. With their children, it enhance their communication and relationship as well as stimulates their children's imagination and encourages them to appreciate all living things around them. 

Even you are young or old, once you get really excited about gardening supplies, you are definitely a gardener. And to all ages, remember that gardening has a therapeutic power to revitalize your body and mind.

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