Thursday, September 26, 2013

Growing Your Own Fresh Herbs Indoor

My husband and I are certified food lover, We love to eat and cook as well. While looking for a new food recipe online that we can cook at home, we saw these lovely Genovese Pesto Plus Herb Kit that is being sold by Emily's plants. It can also be given as gift, but we decided to rather grow it at home instead of giving it. It is perfect for making pesto sauce, it is a sauce originating in Genoa in the Liguria region of northern Italy, and traditionally consist of crushed garlic, basil, and European pine nuts blended with olive oil, Parmigiano Reggiano or also well known as Parmesan cheese, and Fiore Sardo which is another cheese but is made from a sheep's milk. The name pesto is contracted past participle of the Genoese word pestâ which means to pound or to crush, in reference to the original method of preparation, with marble mortar and wooden pestle. 

Pesto is commonly used on pasta and is sometimes served on sliced beef tomatoes and sliced boiled potatoes. Because pesto is a generic term for anything that is made by pounding, there are various other pesto that were made, some were traditional and others were already modern. A slightly version of the sauce exist in Provence, where it is known as pistou which is generally made with olive oil, basil and garlic only, cheese can be added but nuts are not included unlike the traditional pesto, since there are no pine trees that grows in their place to provide nuts. Pesto rosso or red pesto is a sauce made in Sicily, it is similar to pesto genovese but with the addition of tomato, almonds instead of pine nuts and much less basil. There are other more varieties of pesto all over the world and are too many to mention but the original pesto recipe is still the best and is still used in most pasta recipe.

The herb kit will surely be a big help since we will be growing fresh herbs in the kitchen. I am so glad that all the information is posted on their website. We will be expecting the delivery within 2-3 business days and the prices are also posted so we are sure how much we are exactly paying for the kit.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Growing Herbs At Home


Herbs can be describe as any plants that can be used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume. In culinary use, herbs are the green leafy parts of the plant that are either fresh or dried, while the spices are the product from other parts of the plant like roots, fruits, seeds, berries, and bark. Herb is also used as an abbreviation of the word "herbaceous plant" that is rarely found in British English. Since herbs have many uses, culinary herbs and medicinal herbs differ in many ways. In medicinal or spiritual use of the herb, any parts of the plants are considered herbs including the leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, resins, root bark, inner bark, berries and sometimes the pericarp or other portions of the plants that can be converted into a medicine for those who are sick or have some illness.

Growing your own herbs at home is great advantage because, first of all you could save up money since don't have to buy them from the market every time you will use them. Second is you could save time and effort for skipping the herbs on your list when doing your weekly groceries. Lastly, is the fact that you will enjoy planting these in herbs in your garden or you could also mix herbs in festive holiday container to be displayed on your kitchen, so that it will be easier for you to use it when it is listed as part of the ingredients in your cooking recipe. Culinary herbs are distinguished from vegetables, just like in spices, herbs are generally used in small portion and provides flavor rather than substance to food. 

You could grow herbs that you normally use in food recipe, like for example, rosemary, thyme and sage are all perennial plants, so it's okay for them to grow on the same pot or container. Perennial simply means that they are plants that can live for more than two years. Some plants or herbs have good effects on our body because they contain phytochemicals which may have the potential to affect diseases such as cancer, stroke, or metabolic syndrome. But also remember that some herbs can be toxic for the body if consumed in large quantities all at the same time.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Gardening Has A Therapeutic Power To Revitalize Ourselves

"I am 70 years old. I have reached the point in life at which I choose -- or, to use New Year's terminology, resolve -- to do only those things that make sense to me. The list of such activities has become much shorter than it was even 10 years ago. It features time spent with family and friends, speaking selectively to groups that may profit from my encouragement, reading worthwhile books, and pursuing a few carefully-chosen projects that advance the cause of effective, affordable medical care for all Americans.
But perhaps most importantly, I garden."

- Dr. Andrew Weil
Founder and director, The Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine

Most of our old folks have enough time to do all the gardening stuffs than us who are currently busy with work and with our family. They find gardening as a therapy to heighten up your physical strength, body, mind and soul. As a garden blogger online I find terrariums and container gardening very friendly to our old folks, for these do not require heavy duty workloads. I recently wrote an article about miniature gardening from another blog and it seems a good project for our grand pas and mas. 

Actually gardening of these kinds appeal to every gardeners of all ages. But it is obvious that most elderly ones enjoy these as a hobby. Gardeners within the age range are recommended to use inferior garden tools. Pruning may be the advance task they may encounter while they are growing their plants. There are hand tools available in local stores and online to assist our elderly people with basic gardening. There are other basic tools they need to make their gardening experience easier and more fun. 

However, young moms are also love the idea of gardening. With their children, it enhance their communication and relationship as well as stimulates their children's imagination and encourages them to appreciate all living things around them. 

Even you are young or old, once you get really excited about gardening supplies, you are definitely a gardener. And to all ages, remember that gardening has a therapeutic power to revitalize your body and mind.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Enjoying the Indoors

Starting out a small garden is not that hard at all. One should know the appropriate or the right tools and the right plants. If you have little knowledge about gardening, you could either buy books or search online for details or additional information, to be able to handle a small garden. But, there are some who wants to grow plants but do not have enough space, like for those who are living in a condominium or apartments. Indoor gardening can be the best solution in that case. Indoor gardening is another way of bringing the feeling of spring into your own home even if the space is limited. Putting the plants or flowers into a container or any planters to display and grow them inside your home is much easier compared to the traditional ways or methods of growing plants.

Preparing the right tools for your indoor gardening and keeping them clean at all times is just easy. At, they are selling a deluxe indoor tool and tote set, which is perfect for your container gardening needs. These indoor tools should all be kept in one place away from reach of any child or children, everything you need to care for your plants are kept in these convenient tote. And instead of using the big and heavy tools that a gardener usually uses in maintaining a garden, you could instead reach for the miniature ones. This beautiful set features tools specially-sized and weighted for indoor use. All have sturdy, all-wood handles, it all includes a miniature hand trowel, cultivator and trans-planter, a scaled-down pruner and floral snips round out the set. 

These deluxe indoor tool and tote set is also perfect or wonderful gift for an apartment dweller or urban container gardener. For more details on how to order or if the product is available as well as the prices and the shipment details you could check our website.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Beauty of An Air Purifier

Plants are used mostly outdoor for gardening and landscapes because most plants needs enough heat of the sun and must also be in an open air to properly grow. But there are also plants that are made for indoors too, they can tolerate the low light and the dry conditions found in most homes. One plant that I know are great for indoor is the Peace Lily which is Mother Nature's air filter and is rated by NASA as one of the top ten air purifying plants for interior decoration. Spathipyllum is the scientific name of these commonly known spathe or peace lilies, they are evergreen herbaceous perennial plants with large leaves about 12-65 cm long and 3-25 cm broad. The flowers are produced in a spadix (is a type of spike inflorescence having small flowers borne in a fleshy stem), surrounded by a 10-30 cm long , white, yellowish, or greenish spathe. 

Spathiphyllum cleans indoor air of many environmental contaminants, including benzene, formaldehyde, and other pollutants found inside our house. It lives best in shade and needs little sunlight to thrive plus it only needs to be watered once a week or if the soil is already dry. This houseplant will not wither or die easily because it adapt well to the indoor environment and at the same time make your home healthier because of it's purifying effects. Since the Spathiphyllum or the peace lilies cleans the air, but it is mildly toxic to humans and animals when ingested. The Peace Lily contains calcium oxalate crystals which can cause skin irritation, burning sensation in the mouth, difficulty swallowing, and nausea. So, we must also put these plants in a safe place away from our pets and most especially our children at home. 

Plants have many uses may it be outdoor or indoor, but we must also be careful to know the plant well before displaying or planting them, since plants have different characteristics. We do not need to be experts on plants but we must at least be knowledgeable enough to know the Do's and Dont's of these different plants that we would like to grow inside or outside our home.